Chong De School 一貫道崇德學院

Chong De School 一貫道崇德學院
感謝學院每一位老師以及執行長的幫忙,才能夠順利完成這個學院,也感謝所有的人信任與支持,豪門將會堅守服務與品質的原則,不斷精益求精,秉持學院的精神服務於大眾,也感謝所有人相信 GMRC能夠取代石材,GRG能夠取代木作,所有的造型產品皆為完全防火材料,包含頂樓穹頂也是,還有屋頂的圓帽採用GRP的工藝,現場並無灌漿,是採用鋼結構的方式,與GRP材料組裝接合,既快速又安全,同時可以增加許多種造型的彈性度,1樓所有帷幕牆並非石材,是GMRC材料,看起來如同石材般效果,卻有著超高彈性的經濟價值,另外門框造型也是採用GMRC仿侶製品,防撞,若是真的鋁製品,會造成產品容易受損,因此我們1樓羅馬柱與帷幕牆壁全是GMRC為天然石粉開發成型


Chong De School, Zonde Academy
Thanks to every teacher and CEO of the college for help, to be able to successfully complete the college, but also thanks to all people’s trust and support, Haomen will adhere to the principle of service and quality, continuous excellence, uphold the spirit of the college to serve the public, but also thank everyone for believing that GMRC can replace stone, GRG can replace wood, all modeling products are finishedFull fireproof material, including the dome dome is also, there is a roof of the dome using GRP process, no grout on site, is the use of steel structure, with GRP material assembly and joining, both fast and safe, while can increase the elasticity of many types of modeling, the 1st floor of all curtain walls is not stone, is GMRC material, looks like stone-like effect, but has ultra-high elasticityEconomic value, in addition to the door frame shape is also the use of GMRC imitation products, anti-collision, if it is real lysod, will cause products easy to damage, so our 1st floor Roman columns and curtain walls are all GMRC for the development of natural stone powder molding
The top floor dome GRP reinforced fiberglass material uses GMRC to adhere to the convenience of follow-up maintenance services.

All the first floor of the Ioni-style columns, but the side is like a book scroll, deeply representing the atmosphere of the college book fragrance, the middle of the door triangle flowers in the middle of the buoy represents a golden egg, will be the title of the gold list. In addition more especially in the dome ceiling each flower represents the meaning of the college, longevity flowers, tweezers, dragon spit beads, and so on these are all have meaning, the network can be searched to get, the sky of the dome represents, the light illuminates us, who said that European decoration can not have chinese design meaning?

This is what we want to say that architecture can write down the story, because of your culture of architecture. Whether there is any special intention.




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1st floor Roman columns and curtain walls are all GMRC for natural stone powder development molding
Top floor dome GRP reinforced fiber glass material

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The interior ceilings and walls are all decorated with GRG materials

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    366 Provincial Rd, Jinwan District, Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, China

    Tel:86-756-7798887 / 86-756-7798889 

    台北辦事處 - Taipei Office
    Level 15, 102, Taiwan, Taipei City, Da’an District, Shimin Blvd,


    台中辦事處 - Taichung Office
    Level 15, 102, Taiwan, Taipei City, Da’an District, Shimin Blvd,


    海南島工廠 - Hainan Factory
    香港辦公處 - Hong Kong Office
    北角友邦廣場 AIA TOWER

    Level 43, AIA Tower, 183 Electric Road, North Point

    高雄分公司 - HungMeng GRC Branch company


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