Jun-An Maternal & Pediatric Hospital
Apply for a building license:
Location: Kaohsiung
Planning period Half year
Use software: Autocad / Rhinoceros + Keyshot
Investor: Jun-An Maternal & Pediatric Hospital
Technology: Precast GMRC + GRP + Classes
GMRC GRG GRP Construction complete 工程完成照:
Kaohsiung Obstetrics and Gynecology Union Hospital
By the “HungMeng international” is based on the owners of the economic needs of the product will be adjusted to maximize the use of external walls of GRP and GMRC two kinds of materials used in the weather ability can be shared with the building structure, the main Design focus in front of the hall, as well as the hall and arcade and other areas, while the owners of the budget can also show the effect of Baroque architecture.
obviously, I’m very disappointed, because in the planning and for the design, we imagine the projects are very high quality texture, but due to improper construction technology, resulting in serious quality defects, it is not the original design of the results presented, feel so pity, this problem is that the design unit, cannot be involved in the construction level caused by serious flaws.
Building arcade make feel in the europe can you believe there is hospital.

Looking forward to the next projects …….